Monday, January 2, 2012


I just reviewed my blog of this last year . I wrote on Jan 8, 2011 that it was a new year with new goals and the bright spot was our granddaughter. Wow...what a year!

Today I am going to say the same thing... a New Year and New Goals!! and this is going to be a GOOD year.

The journey I started last year will continue on through this year but I have lived through so much with the help of our Heavenly Father and all of you, that I have learned I can live through anything. I want to live through some happy stuff this year.

I am thrilled to report that Dr. Petersen informed me that he has been contacted by Logan Regional Hospital and will be speaking Jan 28th to the physicians. I am soo excited that some education about Amyloidosis is going to take place. I think I will try to make sugar cookies in the form of an A and attach a short note to pass around to the physicians that are invited to the inservice. I know after working with physicians that those flat memos about meetings can sometimes get buried and they may forget.... I really would like the physicians to attend.

I have also left a message with the head person over the Leukemia/Lymphoma/Myeloma society in Utah to call me. Dr. Petersen gave me her phone number. I hope that she can help give me some direction with starting a support group and even possibly adding information about Amyloidosis in their pamphlets.

I have so much goodness to repay and pass forward so it will be a busy year.

Facts are: my 8 compression fractures continue to cause me pain, the top of my femurs are extremely painful and my joints take turns complaining. My energy is very slowly increasing but that darn appetite is still lost somewhere. All in all, I still see improvement and figure you can hurt at home or hurt trying to do good. I am still having to wear the big white mask and with flu season here I am being really careful about crowded places. I actually look forward to June when I can begin my immunizations. I think then I won't feel so vulnerable.

My hair is growing faster than my energy is increasing AND it is getting curly!!!! The BMT staff were wrong about it coming back in black, but they are right about the curls. I have never had anything but stick straight hair so I will have to learn what to do with these wispy curls so I don't look like a porcupine. My hair is only about 1 1/2" long .

I see how very close our family has grown. I see how strong my children are. I see how much goodness has come to me from so many. I see how the Lord really knows each one of us personally. All of these I am grateful for. I am still not strong enough to say as many do "I am thankful for my challenges". I am so very very thankful I didn't have to go through my challenge alone. One of my goals this year is to write a daily thing that I am grateful for and sincerely tell Heavenly Father thank you more than I ask for help.

Happy New Year to all who follow my blog and may God bless you.

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