Sunday, March 11, 2012


The Primary presidency spoke in church today. The first counselor spoke on the power of music. It was a wonderful talk. I love the primary children's music. It brings the Spirit so fast. I really enjoy the hymns and other music too. It got me thinking back over this past year and what impact music had on my life.

I am a hummer. I find myself humming and don't even realize what the song is. My son, Jeff, the other day asked, "Why are you humming Ghost Riders in the Sky? I didn't realize I was humming it. He asked where it came from and I honestly don't know. I had coworkers as me often what was the song I was humming. They found it amusing thank goodness , instead of irritating.

After I was diagnosed with a "terminal" disease I spent alot of time on my knees talking with my Heavenly Father. Some of the tender mercies that came to me involved music. We have some very talented friends. One family the entire family is musical. They came by one Sunday evening and played some music and sang some songs for me.
Music invites the Spirit. Then another couple who are our friends came by with a song they had just finished writing and felt like it was appropriate for me..some of the words from their song are:
"His love is like a quiet peaceful harbor
Where those who seek
Find shelter from the storm.
His love is like a flowing cup of water
and those who drink
Will thirst no more."
Music invites the Spirit.

I found myself humming some of the primary songs we had been singing prior to my illness. These words came to my mind:

"I feel my Savior's love, it's gentleness enfolds me, and when I kneel to pray, My heart is filled with peace." I definitely felt peace when I knelt to pray, many many times.

"Wrapped in the arms of my Savior's love, I feel His gentle touch.." I did feel His arms around me.

and then one day I was actually singing "but undaunted still "she" trusted in "her" Heavenly Father's care.
I realized after singing it that I had changed the words to she and her. It gave me courage for the day. I was undaunted.

Each day during the first hospitalization when I received chemo and my transplant, I tried to hum a hymn that included the word sunshine, or even a song that included sunshine. There is a plug for memorizing the hymns. You will be able to recall the words when you need them. This little practice made all the difference in my attitude.

Yes, music invites the Spirit. May we surround ourselves and our families with music that really will invite the Spirit.

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