Today I turned 59. I used to think that seemed kind of old. Of course that was 30 years ago. I used to think people that were that old were pretty smart or wise. That was also 30 years ago.
I kept thinking about my wonderful parents today. They gave me life all those years ago. They taught me by teaching, but mostly by example. Somehow, my mom instilled in me certain desires to develop alot of different talents. She only had 19 years with me before she died at the young age of 48. I think of what I have got to experience in the last 11 years. Mom missed so much.
In this new life that Heavenly Father gave back to me last year, I have been able to see all of my life in a new perspective. Each day that goes by I try and think about that. As I start to feel better and stronger, I don't want to possibly forget the wonderful perspective I gained when life stood still for me. We get so busy doing so many unimportant things. They are good things, but if you really think about the "big" picture. Are they important things?
The phrase, live every day as if it were your last, may make you think you need to do alot of things for fun, or things you have always wanted to do, or maybe even things you have just put off doing. It makes me think of the value of every hour of the day. The value of people. The value of eternal knowledge. And the value of seeing the joy in life. If we kept the things that we value most and decided our activities around them do you think we would be so very busy running here and there?
So often this past year Hymns have come to my mind but the one that seems to come the most lately is, Have I Done Any Good In The World Today?" This could cover joy and the love of people. Reading the Sunday School lesson, or Relief Society lesson, or just your daily scripture reading, covers eternal knowledge. The important stuff. I did experience joy and knowledge the other day as I took a class to learn how to make a T shirt quilt. I have always wanted to learn to make a pieced quilt. It was so fun learning something new.
I thought about mom on that day. She learned to make so many wonderful stitchery items, sewing items; that I think she would be happy that I learned something new.
I thought about Dad alot today too. I wondered what nicknames he would have for my son in laws, or our granddaughter. I think he would have given Lisa a nickname as Eric dated her, but I think now,, he would probably call her Lisa. She has such a wonderful manner about her as she is a wife and mother that a nick name just wouldn't fit. I miss him calling me Sue. I miss his fun. I miss his love. Today I held a "picnic" for the people who were siding our house, in honor of Dad and his "picnics" he would always have.
I wonder what my parents would think of me now? Would they be proud of me? Have I been a good daughter?
59 years. A year ago I didn't think this day would be here. What a year. I love my Heavenly Father and am so very grateful for His gifts to me. Good parents. Good family. Home. Food. Gospel. Love. Forgiveness. Jobs. Ability to talk with Him whenever I want in prayer. The Holy Ghost and the peace, comfort and guidance He brings. And most of all, Life now and forever.
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