Thursday, May 17, 2012

Getting the Word Out

I spent today passing out business cards with my name and the Amyloidosis online support website on it. I also gave information about the World Symposium on Amyloiodosis and the statement that is being made in Washington DC on our behalf to the Health and Welfare committee. There is a lady who is an AL Amyloidosis patient who is presenting a statement asking for funding for more research on Amyloidosis and the importance of getting the word to medical students and physicians about the need for early diagnosis and getting the patient to early treatment for the best chance.

I have met so many wonderful people on the online support group.  It is almost like family but they have been through so many similar experiences and have felt the same feelings.  The universal  thing is we all fell closer to God after realizing how very dependent we truly are upon Him.

Tomorrow I have a photographer coming from the local newspaper to take a picture and I guess they are doing an article on me, Amyloidosis and the support group I am trying to get started. Say a little prayer my brain acts good and not chemo like.

I was able to spend time with my brother from Washington state this past week. What a wonderful time we had reliving our childhood and looking at old family photos. He is a wonderful big brother. I only wish he could be here on Memorial Day.  We are going to have as many of my father's family here on Memorial Day and enjoy a day  of remembering our loved ones and renewing our bonds of love with each other.  Because of my illness I have more interaction with alot of them than I had for over 30 years.

Family really is what it is all about. I have the most wonderful, supportive, immediate and extended family.

What are you doing on Memorial Day? Are you paying tribute to your ancestors or are you turning it into another holiday where you just go and play not giving thought to those who have preceded you and given so much for us to have a good life.  May we all reach out to our families, immediate and extended and unit in tribute to those who gave so much for us.

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