I finally decided that I should have my hands checked out. My palms have been peeling and peeling. I have tried multiple moisturizers and no luck. Becky helped me see a PA there and they did a scraping and determined I had a fungus on my palms. I had to check with my BMT to make sure it was ok to use an antifugal cream on my hands. What gave me a smile was when I was telling Dave about it later in the day he immediately looked at his hands. I guess my immune system is still whimpy for me to be able to get a fungus on my palms. Things should now improve. It was wonderful for my "Becky connection".
I heard the geese flying over yesterday. Each year I love watching them gather and circle and then find a leader to lead out. Yesterday there were two big flocks of geese. They were so noisy. A few joined them every once in awhile and they kept circling for about 1/2 hour as other geese joined and then a leader came forth and the formation flew on. It was so neat to watch. I laughed after I came in the house. If anyone drove by and saw me just standing and looking straight up, it was probably a funny sight for them.
What a beautiful fall we are having. It brings to mind...for the beauties of the earth for the beauties of the sky.. The Lord has provided such a beautiful earth for us and yes I know Heavenly Father loves us. I am grateful every day to be alive.
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