Today I went to see the BMT Dr's. It is 6 months since my chemo and my bone marrow ttransplant. I had a blood test drawm today that will tell me if my disease is still paralyzed. It will be a few days before I know the results. My other lab work is looking better all of the time. My kidney function tests are still abnormal but seem to be stable which is very good news.
I was told that I would need to wear my mask through April, not eat "bagged vegetables" like carrots and lettuce etc, and to continue drinking bottled water until next summer. I did not get my central line out today or get exited to my local doctors yet. My heart continues to have periods of irregularities so I am having an event monitor done. It arrived while I was in Salt Lake so when I came home it was waiting for me on the doorstep. I connected it like a 3 lead EKG on my chest. Those wires are connected to a very small receiver. (probably 2x2 inches) I have a case I put it in and also another receiver/transmitter(PDA) that looks like a cell phone. It transmits the electrical activity of my heart to the monitoring center. Someone is there 24/7. They will monitor my heart. If I have any symptoms I push a button and call the center. It can be on me for weeks. It's kind of cool technology. When I called to tell them I was all set to begin my study I told them I was glad to be making long distance friends. They are in Texas. Hopefully this will help define what is going on with my heart. I can tell when it isn't functioning normally because I feel lousy; weak and very shaky almost like I am going to pass out but don't. I will continue to see the BMT monthly. Perhaps once they figure my heart out they can then remove the central line and I will be followed by local physicians. I am very blessed to have good doctors in Logan and Salt Lake.
I got some very wonderful news today that made my whole day/week! I had contacted Logan Regional Hospital in hopes of getting an inservice about Amyloidosis for the physicians, but it was left it would only happen if there was interest. I mentioned to Dr. Petersen he might be getting a phone call from Logan Regional Hospital. He said that he had and that he was speaking on Jan. 28. He turned to me and smiled and said.."I wondered where that came from. It was you wasn't it?" I told him I was so very happy because I had been praying very hard that this would happen. Goal 1, check!!! He gave me the name of the head person over the Mulitple Myeloma and Leukemia Society. I am going to call her and ask her about the possibility of having information about Amyloidosis added to their pamphlets and how I could be a local support system.Goal 2 in progress. What a great day!!
I was able to spend some time with my family in Salt Lake yesterday. It now feels like the holidays. I also got to visit Grandma Jane and see that she is also doing very well. This very challenging year is at least ending on a high note. My sister in law is doing well on her chemo too. Blessings abound. If we take time to really look at our day, each and every day we will see the Lord's hand in our life. We just get so very busy that we miss it and then we are ungrateful. Every morning my prayer includes, thank you for leting me live and feel better and how much I appreciate Him and His son and Their love. May we all slow down enough to really see our blessings and say Thank you.
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