Thursday, February 23, 2012

Happiness and Heartache

My heart is overflowing with gratitude to be alive and doing pretty well. I belong to an online support group and just read the following about one of my new friends. I am reminded that this could have been me. I don't understand why I got the miracle when others don't. I just feel a very huge responsibility to help as many people as I can and to promote education about this horrible, horrible disease. If a patient can be diagnosed early their chances to survive and hugely increased.

I have my wonderful family, friends, ward members, coworkers, and the knowledge of a loving Father in Heaven to bless my life. My heart just aches for this sweet lady and her children. I am sending a card. It was amazing how even a card brightened my day and encouraged me along. If you should feel inclined to send a card, tell her you are my friend. That you know about Amyloidosis and that we are all praying.

If you think you've had a terrible day, think of her.

This ties in so closely with my last post of tender mercies. I was given energy and a day with no pain to be able to accomplish a goal I wanted to accomplish so badly. Definitely tender mercy.

Her last post on the support group online:
While waiting in the hospital the other day I THOUGHT I had submitted an update to you all and cannot seem to find it. So I am going to post another one.
I ended up in the hospital the 2nd of February from increased pain and a very distended abdomen. An NG tube was placed to help drain everything dumping into my abdomin. As a refresher I lost my stomach and spleen April 2008, from an acute stomach bleed. The stomach and spleen were necrosed from the Amyloidosis. I was diagnosed a few days later with Primary Amyloidosis amd Multiple Myeloma. I was never a candidate for a SCT because I do not have a stomach. I did go through Chemo treatment to slow it down and it did buy me some time. This last hospital stay revealed that my intestines are like "concrete" from the Amyloid and I am at END STAGE. This is no surprise as I had been having malabsorption and the kidneys were starting to have a hard time and I couldn't seem to get a handle on the increasing pain. I am now on Hospice and at this time have all my faculties. What I wanted to tell you all is THANK YOU. Those words just don't seem enough, but thank you
for all your kindness and support you have extended me and my children. As well as my sister (Vonda Clink) who has been a huge supported of this support group. Sean is now 15 and Hanna is 12. I worry most about them. No matter how prepared you are. I am asking if it doesn't sound too selfish if you might send letters or cards to me and or the children. It would certainly help me on those upcoming days when things are really tough and a reminder that my kids are appreciated and loved. This support group has been like family to me. Whether I knew you or not you have always been a loving form of support. I have and always will hold each and every one of you close to my heart whether I know you or not as we are linked by this unforgiving illness. Bless those that are surrounding your life as the "caregivers" . It is SO much work. Sean and Hanna were right there when I first became ill and went through Chemo. We would love to hear from you. Presently I only
have access to a computer via my library. I have moved and if I can afford internet next month I will get us back on line so I can be a regular post. In the mean time here is the address if you wouldn't mind sending something. Thank you.
Please also send out a Thank you to my sister Vonda Clink as she has been a big advocate for this support group. I believe she reads the posts everyday and you can ask her any question as to my "update" and she can answer you.
Charlotte Meza (Sean & Hanna White)
16685 Heitman Road "B"
Red Bluff, CA 96080

Thank you good people. You are loved

CHARLOTTE MEZA Primary Amyloidosis (abdomen/bowel)
Multiple Myeloma


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Well this is you lil girl mommy! I love that you always posted these things. I hope to see you soon upon heaven!
