I addressed some Christmas cards today and was reflecting on the past year. I was sick the entire year of 2011. I spent 2 full months in a hospital and was away from Paradise 4 months. I missed the entire summer. I ponder the many things I have experienced and learned.
I have learned so much about serving as Christ would. I have been the recipient of so many, many kind services. I learned what it was like to be totally dependent upon others. I didn't like that lesson. I learned about the power of many people praying for you. I truly felt it. I also learned about the importance of praying for specifics in life. When people prayed for my heart it improved, when they prayed for my kidneys they improved. I came to know my Savior better and felt His love for me. I learned the veil is very thin and at times in our life we are priviledged to have loved ones near us, encouraging us on and wrapping their arms around us. I learned that my children were so much stronger than I ever realized and I thought they were pretty strong. I will never forget the weeks that one of them was with me 24 hours a day tenderly caring for me and helping me through my "loupy" scary, extremely ill times. I learned that I could love more than I already did. My love for my husband, and children is deeper and stronger than ever. I learned that extended family are our "roots" that give us so much strength. I received so much help from them. I learned that I had more friends and people who care about me that I ever realized and I appreciate everyone who stood by me and supported me so very very much. I learned that I could accept the Lord's will and once I did everything was alright.
I am so grateful to be alive. I know that Heavenly Father gave me a miracle to be alive. I know this! God answers prayers and often he uses people to answer our prayers. We have to listen so we can know when we need to help someone. I love our Savior Jesus Christ and appreciate His love and sacrifice for me. I know He carried my burdens when I just couldn't do it any longer.
May we honor Him at this time of year and always by loving others as He would and helping lift others.
Merry Christmas to all of you. I didn't have children around to have a family photo so I improvised.
Merry Christmas!!