Spring has finally arrived in Paradise. I feel like Spring is arriving in my life after a long cold winter.
I am finding that I have graduated from the baby step program. I am actually planning ahead now. In one instance I am planning 3 years ahead.
To celebrate my 2 year old new birthday in June (from my transplant) I am trying to gather small gifts and go visit the LDS Bone Marrow Unit and share these gifts with the patients there. There is so much sadness there. Not everyone gets to go home. Everyone is so sick and families so stressed. To try and bring just a little smile for the day would be the best!! My long range goal is that at 5 years out from my stem cell transplant, I would like to have made enough fleece blankets to take and pass around. I really have graduated from the baby step program. I am so glad that I had seen that silly movie, What About Bob, so that I knew about the baby step program. Sometimes life is too hard to think beyond a few minutes, a few hours or even one day. Better understanding about the concept of us learning "line upon line" has come to me. The phrase, "strength for the day" I had heard many times when someone offered prayers and I better understand that now too.
I feel that everyday I am improving a tiny bit. If you look at all those tiny bits I am doing very well. It is a very long, slow process to improve with Amyloidosis. Some people do better than others. I think I have been given extra challenges to help me. I am still striving to learn what it is I am to learn from each challenge that comes along.
I met a sweet lady in Hyrum in the grocery store the other day. Our lives had intertwined several times over the years. She asked me exactly what was wrong with me. ( Now that is a loaded question) I explained briefly about Amyloidosis. She said, "Well, you know the whole town of Paradise was praying and supporting you. Not just your ward but the whole town."
It humbles me every time I think of the tremendous support I did receive. Just me, little old Linda, had the heavens open and pour out tremendous blessing upon me because of the faithful family members and friends who prayed for me. Sometimes it was members of a family member's family.
I know that I literally felt the power of those prayers. So much kindness and service in our behalf.
Just as the leaves on the trees are beginning to burst forth and the flowers bud out, I feel like I am just beginning to grow and be what it I should be after all these years of mortality.The Lord knows who I am and what I am capable of. I am so grateful that I know that I am His daughter, that He loves me as well as all of His children. I am learning how to truly walk by faith.
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